The Community Church in Harrington Parks offers numerous programs and activities for children and adults.
Contact us if you have questions about any of our programming!
Children’s Ministry
Sunday School
Sunday School is available to children during Sunday’s worship service and is usually held in Founders Hall. It’s the way we help our kids develop a faith of their own, commensurate with their maturity level. We work to teach them the about God, His Word, and the Bible in ways they will be able to understand.
Children’s Choir
We now have a children’s choir! Dada Eng and Amy Duran have begun working with the children to sing a song with the adult choir. They rehearse for 15 minutes each week after worship. Please tell to your children about the choir and encourage them to participate!
Puppet Club
The Puppet Club offers children a unique opportunity to express themselves! Some children are shy, especially in front of a large group. In this program, they have the opportunity to speak and perform through their puppet’s character.
We write our own scripts based on stories from the Bible as well as life experiences, and then we pre-record the performance in the children’s own voices. We perform in front of the congregation several times a year. Puppet Club is open to children 3 years and older. We meet on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM in Founders Hall.
Confirmation Program
We practice the baptism of infants at the Community Church. In baptism, parents make weighty promises to bring their children up to know Jesus through His church. Of course, the babies know nothing of this! So we offer confirmation. This is when kids who have been baptized confirm those weighty promises for themselves and agree to follow Christ with their entire lives for the rest of their lives.
We hold confirmation for high schoolers in their sophomore year and older. The focus of the experience is to help teens understand what it means to take on the Christian faith. So we do a little teaching, and ask a lot of questions. We try to make it as fun as we can, and so we use a few movies to help the kids reflect on the promises they’ll be asked to make. The program runs from September/October until May/June.
Programs for Adults
Bible Study
Bible studies are offered at Community Church throughout the year including the summer months.
Women’s Group
Women’s Group meets at the church on the first Saturday of the month with breakfast and a selected speaker.
Men’s Group
Men’s Group meets at the church on the second Saturday of the month for breakfast, fellowship, and a Christian message.
Music Ministry
Chancel Choir
Under the direction of our music director, Amy Duran, the Chancel Choir invites anyone from high school through adult who enjoys singing! Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM and Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM to prepare for the Sunday morning worship service at 10.
Bell Choir
Under the direction of the Bell Choir Director, Dot Ableman, Bell Choir is open to anyone from high school to adult who reads music. The Bell Choir plays on five octaves of Malmark Bells and five octaves of Malmark Chimes. Rehearsals are held Monday evenings from 8:00 to 9:30 PM. The Bell Choir usually plays once a month at Sunday morning worship service.
Food for the Soul
A group of dedicated people gather once a month in the Founders Hall kitchen to cook meals for members and neighbors for whom a home-cooked meal is a big help.
Center for Food Action Snack Pack
This outreach event occurs once or twice per year when the Church and community volunteers assemble to pack nutritious meals for kids who need food when they are not in school.
Community Church Prayer Group
The Community Church Prayer Group meets every other month for prayer in the Sanctuary at 7:00 PM. We have a prayer box in the Narthex where you can place your prayers. We will lift up your request to God. You are welcome to join us! Check back here for updates on dates.